It has recently been brought to my attention that Hamptons Moms is leaving out all the single dads and SAHD that vacations and lives in the Hamptons year round. I would like to personally apologize for that. I would like to right that wrong and I plan on coming out with a guide on things to do for dads with their kiddos out east. It will include things like Breweries and places to play sports and best places for Sunday football with kids. Don’t worry Dads I have nothing but love for ya baby! Please stay tuned. I know you are out there and I think you are doing a great job. Keep perfecting your side pony and high pony and braid prowess. Your daughter is lucky to have a dad like you. To all you single dads playing my little pony, I see you out there and I think you are super sexy, you go Glen Coco you keep it up! And check back with Hamptons Moms in a few days I will have resources galore for you and all of your Hamptons fall fun needs and wants.